Saving an image for a social media post

The image we have provided will download as a WEBP File. This means you can make changes to it in the Paint program. To download the image for use in your social media post:


  1. Click on the ‘download’ button above
  2. The image will open in a new tab
  3. Use your mouse to right-click on the image and click ‘save image as’
  4. Save the image on your computer (somewhere you will remember – perhaps your desktop).
  5. The image will save as a WEBP File
  6. Open the image on your computer. It will open in the Paint program.
  7. You can use the Paint program to make any changes to the image that you would like
  8. From the File menu, click ‘save as’ and save the image as a JPEG picture.
  9. Save the image on your computer (somewhere you will remember – perhaps your desktop). Now you will be able to upload it to your social media post.